Bronze Markers

Bronze Markers

An Enduring Tribute

Through the centuries bronze has been fashioned into statues, commemorative memorials and works of art.

Bronze Markers

Get quality workmanship at any budget

Whether required by the cemetery or just personal preference, Grundler Monument Company can provide you with a premium memoralization in the form of a bronze marker. Bronze is called the "metal of the ages" as each passing year brings more inherent beauty. These makers can be mounted on a granite base which provides an attractive border and can include a bronze vase which when not in use is concealed in its below surface container.

Remember your loved one in the way that fits best:

  • Bronze markers (lay flush to the ground, available in a variety of sizes)
  • Veteran markers (provided by Veteran's Administration for military and spouses)

Preserving the memory of loved ones since 1895.


Bronze Markers
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